Emma Coyle


She shares, “I have always produced strong imagery working from a Fine Art background and am interested in the technicality of painting. I choose to use media imagery and fashion photography as
a starting point because of my interest in the first wave, 1950s , New York, Pop Art. I feel that my work represents the original themes in Pop Art, my interest in media imagery and using them in a contemporary context .”

Coyle is a recipient of the International Art Market’s Gold List Award: ‘“Top International Contemporary Artist of Today,” and “Recommended Artist to Invest in and to be Inspired by,” with work acquired by Dame Janet Wolfson de Botton.

More of Emma Coyle: contemporarycollective.com/emma-coylem/emma-coyle

London-based artist Emma Coyle has been practicing her art for over 20 years.

Coyle was first introduced to Pop Art in her 1990s art education. Her current figurative work focuses on the use of contemporary fashion magazine imagery and advertisements, to produce painterly images of a Fine Art quality, while combining primary and secondary line work with ideas in abstraction, minimalism, and negative space.


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